Friday, July 30, 2010


Break-Through, Transformation, Enlightenment, Power and Prosperity
One day class taught by Shri Yoganathan DasaJi of Oneness Movement on
22 July 2010 at Krishna Gounder Kalyana Mandapam, Coimbatore

Shri Amma Bhagavan saranam !

Commenced with : Bajan songs ; Paduka Abishekam; SriSuktham

  • Class begins:

    There are 2 aspects which all human beings are striving for in their lives.

    How to solve the Problems we face in every day life ?
    How to come out of these sufferings?

    1. Solving Problems:
    Problems appear due to 2 reasons, one because of immediate reason which -one can find out easily and the other is the Root cause which one has to strive hard and find.

    e.g: for immediate reason : a person has caught cold because he got drenched in rain water.
    e.g for finding root cause: Reason is not known “why this happens to me?”
    story for the 2nd e.g : A king chops of the hand of a demon several times but the hand joins immediately every time and the demon never dies whatever attempt is made by the king. Later only, the king finds out that the Life of the demon is somewhere in an Owl’s body. So, king has to find out that Owl and kill it, in order to kill the demon.

    Similarly, one has to find out the root cause “ why this bad incidents happen to me repeatedly“.

    Consider a Triangle with 3 corners as : 1. Problem, 2. Karma and 3. Relationship.
    Problems will get solved automatically once Parihara is done for the bad Karma and good Relationship is maintained with every body around.

    Lord Buddha wanted to make a research. He scolded heavily a passer-by and wanted to see how this karma affects. The passer-by got severely hurt and cried. After sometime, the owner of the Ashram (where Buddha was living) came and asked Him to clear of the Ashram.

    Similarly, Buddha also appreciated another Passer-by and blessed him for his Moksha. After sometime, Buddha was invited by the King and was asked to stay in his Land saying that in His presence only, the king’s Land is Prosperous and is swarna Boomi. Buddha was offered a 10 acre land for His Ashram. Thus, we can see how the Karma affects a person.

    If the Relationship with Father is not ok, then there will be problem of money for that person.
    If the Relationship with Mother is not ok, then there will be problem of Kaarya Siddhi
    If the Relationship with spouse is not ok, then there will be problem of sustaining hard-earnedmoney.
    If the Relationship with relatives is not ok, then there will be problem of self growth.

    All Brains and Hearts are interconnected. Our Hearts and external persons are linked. So, there is Fear, Happiness etc in our minds. If every thing is positive in our Hearts, then all positive signals will be sent and good things will happen. Let us say –a person going for an Interview gets Blessings from his parents. Positive feelings are there in his Heart and these positive signals spread in the Interview atmosphere and he gets the Job.

    What is “ Spiritualism ?” . It is Awareness.

    A story from Katopanishad:
    Nasikesi criticized his father for offering defective cattle (with broken legs etc) as Dhaanam. So, his father went to yamaloka after death. Yama was away for 3 days and Nasikesa’s father was waiting in Yamaloka. Since Yama kept him waiting, he offered him 3 Boons.

    My father’s Homem Prayers must be fulfilled.
    The problems in my village must be solved.
    How to go to Moksha after death without meeting you at Yamaloka? i.e How to avoid Re-birth?

    Re-Birth :
    For avoiding Re-birth, here is Amma Bhagavan’s Maha Vaakya:

    Accept every body around as your friend and karunamoorthy. Do not show Life’s Dharma and project others as criminals and punish. Do not judge others. Beg Pardon for your mistakes and pardon others for their mistakes. Get ‘Paava Mannippu” for even un-pardonable crimes. Treat others in a similar way as you want to be treated by others. This will lead to a state of ‘ No Rebirth ‘ .

    There are 21 Lokas above the Earth and 21 below the Earth. These 21 lokas above or below Earth are – physically not possible but comprehendible ( i.e one can feel). It is Physically possible to exist only on earth. To Moksha ie. Sathyalok, it is possible only from Earth and not from any other Loka. Learning is very fast only on Earth.

    If you realize your God, then He will pour Love on you and you will be very very Happy.

    When you leave the Earth after death, Bhagavan will show you, your life in Booloka in brief. You will see Amma Bhagavan there. If you have done Punya Activities in Booloka, you will enjoy the Ananda state. i.e. If you have helped somebody to get married, then you will enjoy the same Happiness as that of the couple. If for example, Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law had misunderstandings and quarrels to a great extent, then Mother-in-Law will wish to get Pardon from her Daughter-in-Law in her next Birth, and present Daughter-in-Law will wish to take revenge on her present Mother-in-Law in the next birth. Both will agree in front of Bhagavan and take their next Births.

    Why do they wish to take rebirths which last for another 70 to 80 years in Life on Earth? Since, Bhagavan shows their Life in Earth like a 3 minutes drama, they immediately agree for the next births. Moreover, -like we enter Garbagudi in a temple after washing our feet, every one would like to attain Bhagavan’s abode after clearing of their sins of the previous birth.

    So, what we advise is that we should ask for Amma Bhagavan’s feet rather than another Birth. Once we reach the abode of God, then we will live there in Sathyalok with Amma Bhagavan for 1370 crore years.

    Then why do we take rebirths again and again ? This is because, we don’t pardon ourselves as well as others. When we take such rebirths,

    Amma Bhagavan provides us with Energy
    to accept the sufferings on Earth,
    to bear the sufferings on Earth
    to come out of those sufferings

    before He sends us back to Earth for Rebirth.

    So, Pardoning ourselves and also others is very important and then only we get change. You have got the required skills also to come out of the problems.

    Now, all of you - close your eyes and beg Pardon from those whom you had offended / hurt and offer Pardon to those who had offended / hurt you.

    Next you all go deep in to those situations and experience the Pain-, weap and cry openly. Then only you will come closer to Amma Bhagavan.

    Next, you all enjoy the occasion imagining the future happening of good things.


    There are Pariharams for every thing.

    Many a good thing can happen when you do Paadha Puja 7 times for Mother-in-Law , Father-in-Law, Father and Mother.

    Perform Pithru Preethi Puja every ‘New moon day’ for those who had expired - offering all food items they like. This will satisfy those Athmas and when they go to Moksha, they shower Grace on us extensively. Offer Spinach to cows

    If you have Raagu, Kethu or Sevvai Dhoshas in the Horoscope, offer Curd rice with Black sesame seeds ( Ellu) to crows. The seriousness of the Problem will reduce.

    If you need assured prosperity & growth for your son, water the plants.

    In the North East direction, have Thulasi Maadam and perform Puja and get Deeksha.

    On the open Terrace, provide grains for pigeons and other birds.

    When you go to some important work ( like interview or something ), offer Tomato rice / Curd rice to beggars.

    How the problems get dissolved in these Pariharams?

    In all the lives- of Beggars, crows, cows, Pigeons, stray dogs etc, Amma Bhagavan are there. When these animals eat and get their hungry alleviated , Amma Bhagavan will bless and their Grace will solve all our problems / bring success in our endeavours.

    Why do people get such big Karmas?

    In Singapore, all 4 legs of a monkey were tied and people drill hole on its head and suck blood and eat its brain. Such horrible sins will automatically lead to the next Birth.

    After 2nd November 2010, things will get reversed and problems will be over.


    What is suffering ? What is the reason for suffering ?

    If some unwanted thing is still lingering in our mind after an incident had happened- that is suffering.
    Carry over. For a person striving for and close to Mukthi state, carry over should not exceed five minutes.

    Actually, suffering is not in surrounding; but it is in your perception.

    Even if we have a lot of debt or reprimands, if we can be peaceful, then we have attained the state of Mukthi.

    If we consider- only if my son gets a good Job I can be peaceful or only if my daughter gets married then I can be peaceful – then we are postponing our peace of mind. We should have spiritual maturity.

    A person with 50 Lakhs debt may suffer thinking that his esteem and respect in the society is lost. At the same time a person with 13 crores debt may think that it is business and even Indian Government gets loan from World Bank / IMF and he is not worried. So, only the perception of persons makes one to suffer and not the situation or surroundings.

    Maha Vaakya by Bhagavan for avoiding suffering:

    Every thing is perfect divine and holy. All persons whom I have met in my Life, all successes and Failures, all situations are divine and holy. Problems only help us to find out Love; problems help us in the evolution; problems help us to distinguish Good and bad ; problems help us to discover God; problems help us for the Transformation; problems give us Politeness and sharpen our skills.

    If Consciousness level is low, then every thing will appear as problem. If it is high, then you will feel cool. If Consciousness level is increased, then you will not view problems as problems. In the awakening of Consciousness, all problems will get dissolved. You will go to higher Loka.

    How to get high-level of Grace and higher Consciousness level ?

    To get this, there are 4 important Requirements from a devotee.
    1. Inner Integrity
    2. Bonded discovery with Amma Bhagavan
    3. Gratitude
    4. Seva

    1. Inner Integrity : Honesty that can be trusted under any circumstances even when nobody is monitoring. ( External Integrity is very difficult; but more powerful. e.g Gandhiji’s Sathyam. )
    In the Inner Integrity, we accept with Amma Bhagavan that we behave like Ravana and not like SriRama. We accept that we are selfish. We accept that we use Amma Bhagavan for our own needs. We accept that we marry and have kids to avoid criticisms from the society.
    If we accept like this, then Amma Bhagavan will shower full Grace on us.

    After 11th Feb 2010, we can see plethora of Grace from Amma Bhagavan ! Deeksha now.

    2. Bonded Discovery of Amma Bhagavan : It is discovered by a devotee from his own experience- may be a mystical experience. OR after failing in all the attempts to get over from a problem and when you surrender to Amma Bhagavan raising your hands and now if the problem gets over, then you can discover that it is because of Amma Bhagavan.
    Now 2 songs go:
  • Please see at the end.

    3. Gratitude: This, one can realize from how he was before coming to Bhagavan Dharma, and how is he now after coming to Dharma. A devotee will call an half filled glass as “ Half Full” which is a positive Perception and a person will call the same glass as “ Half Empty” which is a negative Perception. Positive perceptions lead to a lot of miracles.

    4. Seva: By doing seva for the Dharma, we get benefited by Amma Bhagavan’s Grace.

    Bhagavan ‘s Speech from DVD on Mukti Deeksha :

    A life without Mukthi ( Enlightenment ) is an useless Life. Let us see how the Consciousness is increased and thereby Enlightenment can be achieved. Consider the following analogy.

    TV = Consciousness OR Chaithanyam
    DVD = Amma Bhagavan’s Teachings
    DVD Player = Mind
    Power source = Amma Bhagavan
    Switching ON Power = Deeksha from Paadukas
    Your thoughts are not yours
    Your mind is not yours
    Your Body is not yours
    Your SELF is only a concept
    Every thing will be happening automatically

    1. Thoughts : Same Air is there since past 20 Lakh years = Same Oxygen which was breathed by Lord Buddha. Same Oxygen becomes Carbon di oxide --- > to Plants --- > to human beings as Oxygen etc.
    Thought is like Air. It is every where. Thoughts are same for every body and prevail every where.
    2. Mind is one mind and ancient mind.
    What is inside our mind is Fear, lust, greed, anger, jelousy, conflicts etc

    3. Body is also same for all. Same design of 2 ears, 2 eyes, 1 nose etc
    Human evolution is as given below: ( Please see the pictures in the Annexure)
    1. Ramah Pithecus
    2. Neanderthal
    3. Homo Electrisan
    4. Homo sapiens.
    Past 20 Lakh years this final evolution exists as we appear now.
    Therefore, Body is also not yours.

    4. SELF is a concept:
    You are wearing a Shirt. You say this shirt is yours. Whether it is designed by you ? Tailoring is done by you? Cloth is woven by you? Yarn is manufactured by you? Cotton is produced by you? For all these questions our answer is “NO”. But you say it is my shirt. Similarly you say “ I am Mr. so and so “. If someone asks “ Who are you , we can only identify us in relative terms – like I am Father of so & so OR son of so & so OR Husband of so & so etc. Therefore SELF is a concept.

    5. Every thing is Automatic : After Jeevan Mukthi ( Enlightenment ) , the feeling of ‘I- ness and My-ness or mine “ will disappear. The Jeevan Mukthan or the Enlightened being will only experience the happenings or incidents. He will not have the thought that “ I am speaking “. “ This is my property” – etc. The Body will play Tennis and HE will not have the thought that “ I am playing”. Every thing will be automatic.
  • Sat Chit Ananda : Since every thing is automatic The Enlightened being will have all the feelings of ‘ Touch, taste, see, smell, hear ‘. Therefore, something exists above all. That Existence is called ‘Sat’. Then what is ‘Chit’ ? It is Consciousness Intelligence (i.e, (Chaithanyam with Intelligence).Then what is Ananda? Experiencing the same is called Ananda. This Sat Chit & Ananda OR ‘Satchitananda’ is the Para Brahmma --- > that is You = Amma Bhagavan = Mukthan.

    The above 5 Teachings are similar to DVD disk contents - in our Analogy.

    So, every body must become ‘ Jeevan Mukthan’ ( Enlightened being). Otherwise, you are in Jail of your Mind. This mind is so powerful and will not allow you to enjoy anything. It is like carrying a donkey on your shoulders. You will be worrying about your son’s Education OR worrying about your daughter’s marriage and you will not have peaceful sleep. Even if you buy a beautiful car, your mind will not allow you to enjoy the Happiness; but will think of – say – the EMI payment for the car etc.
    If you become Jeevan Mukthan, then it is like ‘Donkey carrying you’ & not the reverse.

    From July 2010 onwards, the economic crisis in USA will be high and its repercussions will spread fast around all countries. Government cannot do anything. Earthquakes, Tsunami, Floods, Draughts, Outbreak of Epidemics, Non-availability of food etc are inevitable. Depressions, Madness and suicidal attempts and deaths will be prevalent. Those who are healthy also may have Heart attacks.
    To avoid all these, the solution is Enlightenment only- nothing else.

    It is absolutely a Science. There is Electro Magnetic field around our Body. Similarly, there is Geo Magnetic filed around our Earth. In some places, this magnetic effect will be more and in some places, it will be less. Depending on this, people will get affected in those places.

    All these natural calamities will not affect Jeevan Mukthas. But if 98% of people die in such calamities and only 2% of Mukthas are remaining, what those 2% can do on Earth? So, these Jeevan Mukthas will give Deekshas to others automatically ( no body need to tell ) and save persons.

    Amma Bhagavan not only gives Mukthi to you but also the required Energy for offering Mukthi to others!! After 28th October 2011 KaliYuga ends. ( According to Maayan calendar, it is 31st Dec. 2012)

    Maha vaakya :Content is not important; what is important is Seeing. Experience the content of the Mind. As Jeevan Mukthas, you will enjoy that Experience . This is called ‘Witness Consciousness’ .
    NOW, we will Load the DVD disk ( ie. Teachings of Amma Bhagavan ) in the DVD Player ( in our Minds) .
    Remember our thoughts are not ours; mind is not ours; body is not ours; every thing happens automatically.
    There is Thought ; but there is no Thinker
    There is seeing; but there is no Seer
    There is listening; nut there is no Listener
    There is action; but there is no actor / or Doer.
    There is absolutely nobody. This one is called ‘Atma’. This can not be wetted by Water; can not be cut by a knife; can not be burnt by fire and so on and so forth as uttered in Bhagavad-Gita Gita.

    Say loudly, speedily and continuously the following sentence for 49 minutes.
    “ Naan ( I am) Satchitananda Para Bhrammam “
    “ Naan ( I am) Satchitananda Para Bhrammam “ ……………………………….
    Now, switching on the DVD Player. Get Deeksha from Paadukas blessed by Amma Bhagavan. Power source is Amma Bhagavan and already the required Power is provided for us by Amma Bhagavan. Now, the TV ( our Mind ) will have highest Consciousness and will enjoy only the Experience without any worry.

    Prepared by: R.Padmanabhan and Rajeswari
    Contact: Kindly give your feedback at : e-mail: Moblie : 98946 11580

    Thank You !
  • Annexure
    For the statement ‘ Body is same for all” , the Human evolution mentioned by Bhagavan has 4 stages which are depicted in the following pictures :

    Rama Pithecus : Neanderthal : Homo Erctus : Homo Sapiens :